
$ gem install coyote

Command Line Interface


$ coyote [input_filepath]:[output_filepath]


$ coyote src/


Option Description
-c, --compress Compress the final compilation with the Google Closure Compiler
-w, --watch Use the built-in watch mechanism to observe your source files and re-compile when something changes
-q, --quiet Quiet the command-line output
-v, --version Get the version of your Coyote gem

Requiring Source Files

Coyote has support for Sprockets-style requires, with one exception. Instead of using `require_tree`, you can simply use `require` and Coyote will automatically detect if the path is a source file or a directory.

Syntax: (JavaScript)

//= require other_file.js
//= require some_directory

Syntax: (CoffeeScript)

#= require
#= require some_directory

Paths used in `require` statements are evaluated relative to the file which contains them.

Using with Rake

Coyote ships with convenience methods for neatly defining tasks in your Rakefile

require 'coyote/rake'

coyote do |config|
  config.input = "src/"
  config.output = "build/application.min.js"
  config.options = { :compress => true }

This will create two Rake tasks, `build` and `watch`, which you can run as standard tasks: `rake build` and `rake watch`

$ rake build
$ rake watch


We'd love your help. Fork us so we can make Coyote better.

$ git clone git://


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

or get the source code on GitHub : imulus/coyote

Fork me on GitHub